Ana headed toward Hawaii
The Weather Situation
Ana has strengthened and will likely be classified as a minimal hurricane during the next few hours. Ana poses a real threat to Hawaii by late Friday into the weekend. Hurricane effects may be seen if Ana is pulled far enough northward. It is too early to tell the exact impacts that will be seen.
Current Tropical Weather
As of 11 PM HST / 5 AM EDT Tropical storm Ana was centered at 14.1 N / 146.1 W or about 710 miles ESE Hilo, Hawaii / 920 ESE of Honolulu, Hawaii. It was moving west at about 9 mph. Top sustained winds are estimated at 70 mph. Pressure was estimated at 994 mb.
Tropical Weather Forecast:
Ana is expected to move on a WNW course which will take it toward Hawaii as a hurricane by late Friday (south of the Big Island) to the weekend near or south of the central and western Hawaiian islands. It is unclear if the strongest part of the hurricane will stay offshore at this time. Interests in Hawaii should monitor the progress of Ana closely.
Tropicast: Pacific IR Satellite