
Tropical cyclone archives of the 2020 atlantic hurricane season
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Post by Tropical Inspector »

Tuesday Late Morning Update

Theta forms

The Weather Situation
Theta is being sheared. Deep convection is located on the north and northwest side the the tropical cyclone. IMP, Theta is weaker than 70 mph. I would estimate closer to 55 mph.

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Current tropical weather
As of 3:00 PM GMT Tropical Storm Theta was centered at 29.0 N / 37.4 W or about 860 miles SW of the Azores. It was moving east at 15 mph. Officially top sustained winds are estimated at 70 mph. Pressure was estimated at 989 hPa (mb).

Tropical Weather Forecast:
Theta is forecast to move east and gradually lose tropical characteristics.

Tropicast: Visible Satellite
Rich Johnson
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Re: Theta

Post by Tropical Inspector »

Tuesday Evening Update

Theta still sheared

The Weather Situation
There's very little change in Theta since this morning. IMO, Theta is not nearly as strong as advertised.

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Current tropical weather
As of 9:00 PM GMT Tropical Storm Theta was centered at 29.4 N / 36.2 W or about 795 miles SW of the Azores. It was moving ENE at 14 mph. Officially top sustained winds are estimated at 70 mph. Pressure was estimated at 989 hPa (mb).

Tropical Weather Forecast:
Theta is forecast to move east and gradually lose tropical characteristics.

Tropicast: IR Satellite
Rich Johnson
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Re: Theta

Post by Tropical Inspector »

Wednesday Midday Update

Theta sliding east

The Weather Situation
The circulation center of Theta is quite large with convection to the north. IMO, Theta is a bit weaker than 60 mph sustained.

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Current tropical weather
As of 3:00 PM GMT Tropical Storm Theta was centered at 29.8 N / 33.3 W or about 670 miles SW of the Azores. It was moving ENE at 10 mph. Officially top sustained winds are estimated at 60 mph. Pressure was estimated at 993 hPa (mb).

Tropical Weather Forecast:
Theta is forecast to move east and gradually lose tropical characteristics.

Tropicast: IR Satellite
Rich Johnson
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Re: Theta

Post by Tropical Inspector »

Thursday Evening Update

Theta changes little

The Weather Situation
Theta is looking more subtropical. Convection remains scattered near the center of circulation.

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Current tropical weather
As of 9:00 PM GMT Tropical Storm Theta was centered at 31.7 N / 27.4 W or about 435 miles south of the Azores. It was moving east at 12 mph. Officially top sustained winds are estimated at 60 mph. Pressure was estimated at 990 hPa (mb).

Tropical Weather Forecast:
Theta is forecast to move east and gradually lose tropical characteristics as it moves to the northwest of the Canary Islands by this weekend.

Tropicast: Visible Satellite Thursday Afternoon
Rich Johnson
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Re: Theta

Post by Tropical Inspector »

Friday Morning Update

Theta changes little

The Weather Situation
Theta slowly moving east. Little change since last evening. Sporadic deep convection remains near the core and some the the spiral bands to the east.

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Current tropical weather
As of 9:00 AM GMT Tropical Storm Theta was centered at 31.9 N / 24.9 W or about 445 miles SSE of the Azores. It was moving east at 12 mph. Officially top sustained winds are estimated at 60 mph. Pressure was estimated at 993 hPa (mb).

Tropical Weather Forecast:
Theta is forecast to move east and gradually lose tropical characteristics as it moves to the northwest of the Canary Islands by this weekend.

Tropicast: Visible Satellite Friday Morning
Rich Johnson
Certified Broadcast Meteorologist - Hurricane Expert
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