Cabo San Lucas Travel Weather

What's the Weather Like When Traveling to Cabo San Lucas?

Cabo San Lucas is located on the southern tip of Baja Mexico. It is a growing resort area with a population of nearly 70,000. The Pacific Ocean is to the west and the Sea of Cortez to the east. Cabo San Lucas is a tourist destination noted for its night life, beautiful beaches, marina, sport fishing, golf, as well as many other attractions. It is also a cruise ship port. It is classified as a tropical desert climate. This indicates that temperatures are warm thoughout the year with little precipiation. During an average year, there are more than 300 days with abundant sunshine. Occasionally hurricanes threaten Los Cabos, but the vast majority weaken or pass well to the south. Hurricane Odile was the exception when it made landfall over the southern Baja as a major hurricane during September of 2014.

Cabo San Lucas Rainfall
Cabo San Lucas has an arid climate. Rainfall amounts of less than ten inches per year are average. There is a short wet season which occurs during the summer. Rainfall is the result of occasional thundershowers that develop or when tropical cyclones become active in the eastern Pacific.

Hurricanes usually pass well to the south or southwest of Cabo. Occasionally an upper air trough drops far enough south to steer a tropical cyclone onto the Baja peninsula. Many times hurricanes weaken as they approach the southern Baja. Strong winds aloft will shear a tropical cyclone and weaken it. Water temperatures are much cooler southwest of Baja California Sur. This is another factor that weakens tropical cyclones that approach. For a hurricane to impact cabo San Lucas, it must occur when the water is warm during the latter summer and autumn months. It must also approach from the south over this warmer water. This was the case in september of 2014 when Hurricane Odile caused considerable damage.

Cabo San Lucas Temperatures
Summertime high temperatures are hot with readings in the low to mid 90's. Record highs are range from 105 to 108 degrees during the summer and early autumn months. Low temperatures are generally in the low to mid 70's. Winter has comfortable high temperatures with readings in the upper 70's. Overnight lows are in the mid 50's on average. Occasionally it can be cold with record lows in the 30's during February and March.

Cabo San Lucas Travel Weather Summary
Cabo San Lucas has a dry climate most of the year with lots of sunshine. Occasional summertime thundershowers or a passing tropical cyclone can bring scattered showers or thunderstorms. Rain sometimes occurs in the winter when a stronger than usual cold front passes through the Baja. Winter is the most pleasant time of year in Cabo with mild temperatures.

Sunrise / Sunset Times (All times are for the first day of each month)

Cabo San Lucas
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Sunrise 7:01 6:59 6:41 7:12 6:47 6:34 6:38 6:51 7:02 7:11 6:25 6:44
Sunset 5:46 6:08 6:23 7:35 7:47 8:01 8:09 8:01 7:37 7:06 5:42 5:34

Cabo San Lucas travel weather quick summary -
  • Cabo San Lucas travel weather - hottest months: June - October
  • Cabo San Lucas travel weather - coolest months: December, January, February
  • Cabo San Lucas travel weather - wettest months: August, September, October
  • Cabo San Lucas travel weather - driest months: February - June

Cabo San Lucas
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average High 78 79 80 84 87 89 92 93 91 90 85 80
Record High 97 99 99 106 104 107 106 108 111 106 99 99
Average Low 55 55 56 60 63 66 73 76 75 71 64 58
Record Low 40 35 43 45 44 M 55 57 61 52 49 41
Days of Rain 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 2 1 1
Average Rainfall 0.46" 0.13" 0.07" 0.05" 0.00" 0.00" 0.52" 1.91" 3.24" 1.27" 0.45" 0.57"

Climatology courtesy of the Mexico National Weather Service.

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