Don classified in southern Gulf of Mexico
Weak tropical storm Don is badly sheared and is a minimal tropical storm. It is moving steadily west northwest toward the south Texas coast. A burst of deep convection has recently built over the center of circulation which may allow it to strengthen some. The strong shear environment should continue to disturb the circulation, so only beneficial rain will impact Texas with a minor storm surge.
As of 7 am cdt Arlene was centered at 24.0 N / 89.8 W or about 495 miles ese of Brownsville, Texas / 545 ese of Corpus Christi, Texas. It was moving wnw at about 10 mph. Top sustained winds estimated at 40 mph ( 40 mph NHC advisory). Pressure was estimated at 1000 mb.
Forecast models steer Don around a higher pressure areas toward south Texas by Saturday. Quick changes in intensity are possible since it is a small system.
Tropicast: I.R. Floater Satellite