
Tropical cyclone archives of the 2014 eastern and central Pacific hurricane season

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Tropical Inspector
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Post by Tropical Inspector »

Saturday Morning Update

Trudy on coast of Mexico

The Weather Situation
Trudy is on the coast of Mexico which will curtail any strengthening. Rainfall will continue to be heavy south of Acapulo. Rainfall amounts of over 10 inches are possible which will cause flash flooding and mudslides.

Current Tropical Weather
As of 8 AM EDT / 5 AM EDT Tropical storm Trudy was centered at 16.6 N / 98.8 W or about 75 miles ESE of Acapulco, Mexico. It was moving east at about 2 mph. Top sustained winds are estimated at 60 mph . Pressure was estimated at 999 mb.

Tropical Weather Forecast:
Trudy will quickly lose strength over land today. Despite this heavy rainfall will continue to pose a flash flooding and mudslide risk.

Tropicast: Pacific IR Satellite
Rich Johnson
Certified Broadcast Meteorologist - Hurricane Expert
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