
Tropical cyclone archives of the 2011 eastern and central Pacific hurricane season
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Post by Tropical Inspector »

Tropical depression 10 E will possibly affect land by early next week. I will start updates on this tropical cyclone if necessary.
Rich Johnson
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Re: Irwin

Post by Tropical Inspector »

Irwin is a minimal hurricane that may bring tropical storm affects to the west coast of Mexico early next week. I will start updates if significant effects are anticipated on the coast / coastal areas.
Rich Johnson
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Re: Irwin

Post by Tropical Inspector »

I don't believe that Irwin is a 90 mph hurricane. Satellite imagery shows some weakening overnight. It may be a minimal hurricane of 75 mph IMO. Irwin may have effects on the western coast of Mexico by the middle of next week. I will start updates Monday if this becomes more likely.
Rich Johnson
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Re: Irwin

Post by Tropical Inspector »

Irwin is still expected to be a weak tropical cyclone in the wake of Jova and not affect Mexico until the middle to later part of the week. I will start updates in a few days if necessary.
Rich Johnson
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Re: Irwin

Post by Tropical Inspector »

The hurricane center downgraded Irwin to a tropical depresssion as convection weakened some last night. Since then, deep convection has built up and I believe that Irwin is still a tropical storm. NHC may have been a bit premature with downgrading.
Rich Johnson
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Re: Irwin

Post by Tropical Inspector »

Irwin is being badly sheared an will likely be downgraded to a depression again.
Rich Johnson
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Re: Irwin

Post by Tropical Inspector »

Irwin became a minimal tropical storm again yesterday. It stalled just west of Manzanillo and is now drifiting slowly south with the heaviest rain remaining offshore. Irwin is not a significant threat to Mexico or cruiselines. Seas near the center of Irwin are near 13 feet.
Rich Johnson
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Re: Irwin

Post by Tropical Inspector »

Irwin remains a minimal tropical storm west of the coast of west-central Mexico. There are no effects for the resorts of western Mexico. Swell up to 12 feet is possible near the circulation of Irwin offshore.
Rich Johnson
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Re: Irwin

Post by Tropical Inspector »

Irwin is barely hanging on as a tropical depression well west of the west central coast of Mexico. It is not a threat to residents or tourists.
Rich Johnson
Certified Broadcast Meteorologist - Hurricane Expert
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